William Shakespeare wrote a romantic drama called The Fall of Othello. This story is about jealousy, vengeance, greed and reality versus illusion. These themes all contribute to the tragic ending. The play starts off with a dialogue that gives hints to the reader about the future events. Authors use foreshadowing to help readers predict bad luck and misfortunes. Iago initiates the most conflict in the story, which ultimately leads to the characters’ downfall. Although he may not be a good guy, Iago appears to the characters as a gentleman. As a consequence, characters will fall for his traps since they believe his advisers to be the very best. Iago’s facade allows him to easily manipulate Othello and the other characters.

Iago is initially enraged by Othello’s promotion to the position of lieutenant. Iago plans to hurt Othello by making him hate Cassio. Iago used several strategies to accomplish his goal. He convinced Othello, for example, that Cassio had cheated on him with Othello’s spouse. In an attempt to get Cassio to believe that Othello’s Wife, Desdemona, was tempted, he made Cassio think that Desdemona wanted more from him than a friendship. Cassio told him that he was not convinced by what Iago said. Iago refused to give in easily. Iago used different techniques and tried harder to convince Othello that they were in a relationship. In the end, his tactic convinced Othello Cassio had a romance with Desdemona. Othello, enraged by this, sought revenge and killed both Cassio and Desdemona. Iago was the one who killed Cassio. Othello, on the other hand, killed Desdemona. Othello’s jealousy led him to kill his wife. Iago would be less likely to intimidate Othello if he was determined and willing to learn the truth. He should have questioned the facts and dug deeper into the issue to determine if what was said to him was true. He was misinformed and jumped to conclusions because of it. In the end, he does and says things that don’t match his personality. As a result, he finds it harder to control himself and begins to try to take revenge on the people he feels have wronged. He regrets his actions in his revenge attempt against Cassio and wife.


  • rowandavid

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